qualiu@mypc /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr
$ tools/linux-test.sh 0
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -S -t "^(.+\S+)\s*$" -H 0 # Check return value, output nothing
Matched 133 lines(99.25%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files. Used 0.000706 s, from 2019-11-26 21:17:56.655893 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0
, MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; C
ommand = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -S -t '^(.+\S+)\s*$' -H 0
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -S -t "^(.+\S+)$" -H 0 # Check return value, output nothing
Matched 0 lines in 0 files, read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files. Used 0.000891 s, from 2019-11-26 21:17:57.068704 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 0 files = 0 B = 0 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 ,
MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/op
engit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -S -t '^(.+\S+)$' -H 0
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -S -t "^(.+\S+)\n$" -H 0 # Check return value, output nothing
Matched 133 lines(99.25%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files. Used 0.000552 s, from 2019-11-26 21:17:57.465292 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0
, MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; C
ommand = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -S -t '^(.+\S+)\n$' -H 0
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./ -f bat -l -PAC -H 0
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./ -f bat -l -PIC -H 0
Matched 5 files(14.29%) in 35 files, read 0 lines 0 B in 0 files. Used 0.006913 s, from 2019-11-26 21:17:58.204088 +0800 CST. Checked 35 files, opened 0 files 0 B, matched 5 files = 0 B = 0 bytes. Searched depth = 1 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 ,
MaxMatchedDepth = 1 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 1 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/
msr.cygwin -c -p ./ -f bat -l -PIC -H 0
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./ -l -f bat -H -2 # Should skip top 2 items.
3 : pskill.bat
4 : replace-file-test.bat
5 : windows-test.bat
Matched 5 files(14.29%) in 35 files, read 0 lines 0 B in 0 files. Used 0.006179 s, from 2019-11-26 21:17:58.604043 +0800 CST. Checked 35 files, opened 0 files 0 B, matched 5 files = 0 B = 0 bytes. Searched depth = 1 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 ,
MaxMatchedDepth = 1 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 1 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/
msr.cygwin -c -p ./ -l -f bat -H -2
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./ -l -f bat -T -2 # Should skip bottom 2 items.
1 : example-commands.bat
2 : psall.bat
3 : pskill.bat
Matched 5 files(14.29%) in 35 files, read 0 lines 0 B in 0 files. Used 0.006333 s, from 2019-11-26 21:17:58.955337 +0800 CST. Checked 35 files, opened 0 files 0 B, matched 5 files = 0 B = 0 bytes. Searched depth = 1 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 ,
MaxMatchedDepth = 1 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 1 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/
msr.cygwin -c -p ./ -l -f bat -T -2
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./ -l -f bat -H -2 --sz # Should skip top 2 items.
3-5 : 7.37 KB 7546 replace-file-test.bat
4-5 : 16.58 KB 16977 example-commands.bat
5-5 : 17.50 KB 17915 windows-test.bat
Matched 5 files(14.29%) in 35 files, read 0 lines 0 B in 0 files. Used 0.007718 s, from 2019-11-26 21:17:59.336566 +0800 CST. Checked 35 files, opened 0 files 0 B, matched 5 files = 49.38 KB = 50569 bytes. Searched depth = 1 , MaxOpenedDep
th = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 1 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 1 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/m
sr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./ -l -f bat -H -2 --sz
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./ -l -f bat -T -2 --wt # Should skip bottom 2 items.
1-5 : 2019-11-26 21:17:40 example-commands.bat
2-5 : 2019-11-26 21:17:40 psall.bat
3-5 : 2019-11-26 21:17:40 pskill.bat
Matched 5 files(14.29%) in 35 files, read 0 lines 0 B in 0 files. Used 0.007113 s, from 2019-11-26 21:17:59.726300 +0800 CST. Checked 35 files, opened 0 files 0 B, matched 5 files = 49.38 KB = 50569 bytes. Searched depth = 1 , MaxOpenedDep
th = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 1 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 1 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/m
sr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./ -l -f bat -T -2 --wt
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./ -l -f bat -H 2 --wt # Should show top 2 items.
1-5 : 2019-11-26 21:17:40 example-commands.bat
2-5 : 2019-11-26 21:17:40 psall.bat
Matched 5 files(14.29%) in 35 files, read 0 lines 0 B in 0 files. Used 0.009228 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:00.113818 +0800 CST. Checked 35 files, opened 0 files 0 B, matched 5 files = 49.38 KB = 50569 bytes. Searched depth = 1 , MaxOpenedDep
th = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 1 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 1 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/m
sr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./ -l -f bat -H 2 --wt
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./ -l -f bat -T 2 # Should show bottom 2 items.
4 : replace-file-test.bat
5 : windows-test.bat
Matched 5 files(14.29%) in 35 files, read 0 lines 0 B in 0 files. Used 0.007781 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:00.515868 +0800 CST. Checked 35 files, opened 0 files 0 B, matched 5 files = 0 B = 0 bytes. Searched depth = 1 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 ,
MaxMatchedDepth = 1 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 1 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/
msr.cygwin -c -p ./ -l -f bat -T 2
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -L 7 -N 9 -t Not -U 2 -D 2
sample-file.txt:7: enum class LineType {
sample-file.txt:8: NotMatchedLine = 0,
sample-file.txt:9: MatchedLine = 1,
Matched 1 lines(11.11%) in 1 files(100%), read 9 lines 307 B in 1 files. Used 0.003096 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:00.924149 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxO
penedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command
= /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -L 7 -N 9 -t Not -U 2 -D 2
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -it node --nt "node\d+"
sample-file.txt:48: <as::item ref="NodeCitOnly" />
sample-file.txt:62: <as::item ref="NodeCitOnly" />
sample-file.txt:67: <Subject>Node 2 title in body for test</Subject>
sample-file.txt:75: <as::item ref="NodeCitOnly" />
Matched 4 lines(2.99%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files. Used 0.003672 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:01.315133 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , M
axOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Comm
and = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -it node --nt 'node\d+'
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -it node --nt "node\d+" -o "NODE"
sample-file.txt:48: <as::item ref="NODECitOnly" />
sample-file.txt:62: <as::item ref="NODECitOnly" />
sample-file.txt:67: <Subject>NODE 2 title in body for test</Subject>
sample-file.txt:75: <as::item ref="NODECitOnly" />
Matched 4 lines(2.99%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files. Used 0.003615 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:01.712818 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , M
axOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Comm
and = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -it node --nt 'node\d+' -o NODE
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*<Tag" -Q "^\s*</Tag" -t "Node[13]" -a -L 20 -N 50 ## Must no blocks
Matched 0 blocks with 0 lines in 0 files, read 50 lines 1.07 KB in 1 files with 0 blocks and 1 incomplete blocks. Used 0.000900 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:02.128448 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 0 files = 0 B =
0 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygd
rive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*<Tag' -Q '^\s*</Tag' -t 'Node[13]' -a -L 20 -N 50
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*<Tag" -Q "^\s*</Tag" -t "Node[13]" -a -L 20 -N 80 ## Must have only 1 block
sample-file.txt:47: <Tag Name="Node1">
sample-file.txt:48: <as::item ref="NodeCitOnly" />
sample-file.txt:49: <as::item ref="Node1Config" />
sample-file.txt:50: <MailTo>Alex@abc.com</MailTo>
sample-file.txt:51: <as::item ref="Node1Body">
sample-file.txt:52: <as::pairs>
sample-file.txt:53: <as::pair name="MailTo">Bob@abc.com</as::pair>
sample-file.txt:54: <as::pair name="Function">#FUNCTION#</as::pair>
sample-file.txt:55: <as::pair name="Interval">#THRESHOLD_1#</as::pair>
sample-file.txt:56: <as::pair name="Switch">#THRESHOLD_2#</as::pair>
sample-file.txt:57: </as::pairs>
sample-file.txt:58: </as::item>
sample-file.txt:59: </Tag>
Matched 1 blocks(33.33%) with 3 lines(3.75%) in 1 files(100%), read 80 lines 1.81 KB in 1 files with 2 blocks and 1 incomplete blocks. Used 0.010482 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:02.518915 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, mat
ched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/ms
r.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*<Tag' -Q '^\s*</Tag' -t 'Node[13]' -a -L 20 -N 80
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*<Tag" -Q "^\s*</Tag" -t "Node[13]" -a ## Must have and only 2 blocks: Node1 and Node3
sample-file.txt:47: <Tag Name="Node1">
sample-file.txt:48: <as::item ref="NodeCitOnly" />
sample-file.txt:49: <as::item ref="Node1Config" />
sample-file.txt:50: <MailTo>Alex@abc.com</MailTo>
sample-file.txt:51: <as::item ref="Node1Body">
sample-file.txt:52: <as::pairs>
sample-file.txt:53: <as::pair name="MailTo">Bob@abc.com</as::pair>
sample-file.txt:54: <as::pair name="Function">#FUNCTION#</as::pair>
sample-file.txt:55: <as::pair name="Interval">#THRESHOLD_1#</as::pair>
sample-file.txt:56: <as::pair name="Switch">#THRESHOLD_2#</as::pair>
sample-file.txt:57: </as::pairs>
sample-file.txt:58: </as::item>
sample-file.txt:59: </Tag>
sample-file.txt:74: <Tag Name="Node3">
sample-file.txt:75: <as::item ref="NodeCitOnly" />
sample-file.txt:76: <as::item ref="Node3Config" />
sample-file.txt:78: <MailTo>Clark@abc.com</MailTo>
sample-file.txt:79: <AllowReTry>true</AllowReTry>
sample-file.txt:80: <SubArgs>
sample-file.txt:81: <SubArg>HBase</SubArg>
sample-file.txt:82: </SubArgs>
sample-file.txt:83: <Subject>Node3 title in body for test</Subject>
sample-file.txt:84: <Hosts>
sample-file.txt:85: <HBrgetHost>LZHOST</HBrgetHost>
sample-file.txt:86: </Hosts>
sample-file.txt:87: </Tag>
Matched 2 blocks(66.67%) with 6 lines(4.48%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 3 blocks. Used 0.019539 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:02.920874 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB
= 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory =
/cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*<Tag' -Q '^\s*</Tag' -t 'Node[13]' -a
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*<Tag" -Q "^\s*</Tag" -t "Node[1-3]" -x Node2 -a ## Must have only Node2 block
sample-file.txt:61: <Tag Name="Node2">
sample-file.txt:62: <as::item ref="NodeCitOnly" />
sample-file.txt:63: <as::item ref="Node2Config" />
sample-file.txt:65: <MailTo>Bob@abc.com</MailTo>
sample-file.txt:66: <SubArgs />
sample-file.txt:67: <Subject>Node 2 title in body for test</Subject>
sample-file.txt:68: <Hosts>
sample-file.txt:69: <HBrgetHost>HB</HBrgetHost>
sample-file.txt:70: <Type>BBB</Type>
sample-file.txt:71: </Hosts>
sample-file.txt:72: </Tag>
Matched 1 blocks(33.33%) with 2 lines(1.49%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 3 blocks. Used 0.009437 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:03.321268 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB
= 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory =
/cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*<Tag' -Q '^\s*</Tag' -t 'Node[1-3]' -x Node2 -a
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -ib "^\s*<tag" -Q "^\s*</tag" --nt "Node[1-3]" -e "Node\d+" ## Must no block to output
Matched 0 blocks with 0 lines in 0 files, read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 3 blocks. Used 0.000951 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:03.761586 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 0 files = 0 B = 0 bytes. Searched depth
= 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tool
s ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -ib '^\s*<tag' -Q '^\s*</tag' --nt 'Node[1-3]' -e 'Node\d+'
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*<tag" -iQ "^\s*</tag" --nt "Node[1-3]" ## Must no block to output
Matched 0 blocks with 0 lines in 0 files, read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 3 blocks. Used 0.000858 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:04.192712 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 0 files = 0 B = 0 bytes. Searched depth
= 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tool
s ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*<tag' -iQ '^\s*</tag' --nt 'Node[1-3]'
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*<tag" -Q "^\s*</tag" -i --nt "Node[1-3]" -a ## Must no block to output
Matched 0 blocks with 0 lines in 0 files, read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 3 blocks. Used 0.000931 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:04.602490 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 0 files = 0 B = 0 bytes. Searched depth
= 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tool
s ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*<tag' -Q '^\s*</tag' -i --nt 'Node[1-3]' -a
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*<tag" -Q "^\s*</tag" -i --nt "Node[13]" -t "Node\d+" ## Must have only Node2 but not whole block
sample-file.txt:61: <Tag Name="Node2">
sample-file.txt:63: <as::item ref="Node2Config" />
Matched 1 blocks(33.33%) with 2 lines(1.49%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 3 blocks. Used 0.002501 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:04.999004 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB
= 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory =
/cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*<tag' -Q '^\s*</tag' -i --nt 'Node[13]' -t 'Node\d+'
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*<tag" -Q "^\s*</tag" -i --nt "Node[13]" -e "Node\d+" ## Must have only Node2 and whole block
sample-file.txt:61: <Tag Name="Node2">
sample-file.txt:62: <as::item ref="NodeCitOnly" />
sample-file.txt:63: <as::item ref="Node2Config" />
sample-file.txt:65: <MailTo>Bob@abc.com</MailTo>
sample-file.txt:66: <SubArgs />
sample-file.txt:67: <Subject>Node 2 title in body for test</Subject>
sample-file.txt:68: <Hosts>
sample-file.txt:69: <HBrgetHost>HB</HBrgetHost>
sample-file.txt:70: <Type>BBB</Type>
sample-file.txt:71: </Hosts>
sample-file.txt:72: </Tag>
Matched 1 blocks(33.33%) with 12 lines(8.96%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 3 blocks. Used 0.009749 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:05.407297 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB
= 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory =
/cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*<tag' -Q '^\s*</tag' -i --nt 'Node[13]' -e 'Node\d+'
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*<tag" -Q "^\s*</tag" -i --nt "Node[13]" -a -e "Node\d+" ## Must have only Node2 and whole block
sample-file.txt:61: <Tag Name="Node2">
sample-file.txt:62: <as::item ref="NodeCitOnly" />
sample-file.txt:63: <as::item ref="Node2Config" />
sample-file.txt:65: <MailTo>Bob@abc.com</MailTo>
sample-file.txt:66: <SubArgs />
sample-file.txt:67: <Subject>Node 2 title in body for test</Subject>
sample-file.txt:68: <Hosts>
sample-file.txt:69: <HBrgetHost>HB</HBrgetHost>
sample-file.txt:70: <Type>BBB</Type>
sample-file.txt:71: </Hosts>
sample-file.txt:72: </Tag>
Matched 1 blocks(33.33%) with 12 lines(8.96%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 3 blocks. Used 0.010455 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:05.810764 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB
= 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory =
/cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*<tag' -Q '^\s*</tag' -i --nt 'Node[13]' -a -e 'Node\d+'
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*<tag" -Q "^\s*</tag" -i --nt "Node[13]" -a -t "Node2" ## Must have only Node2 and whole block
sample-file.txt:61: <Tag Name="Node2">
sample-file.txt:62: <as::item ref="NodeCitOnly" />
sample-file.txt:63: <as::item ref="Node2Config" />
sample-file.txt:65: <MailTo>Bob@abc.com</MailTo>
sample-file.txt:66: <SubArgs />
sample-file.txt:67: <Subject>Node 2 title in body for test</Subject>
sample-file.txt:68: <Hosts>
sample-file.txt:69: <HBrgetHost>HB</HBrgetHost>
sample-file.txt:70: <Type>BBB</Type>
sample-file.txt:71: </Hosts>
sample-file.txt:72: </Tag>
Matched 1 blocks(33.33%) with 2 lines(1.49%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 3 blocks. Used 0.008431 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:06.240695 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB
= 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory =
/cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*<tag' -Q '^\s*</tag' -i --nt 'Node[13]' -a -t Node2
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*<Tag" -Q "^\s*</Tag" -t "Node[13]" --nx node3 -ai -x Node -o myNode ## Must have only block Node1 and replaced
sample-file.txt:47: <Tag Name="myNode1">
sample-file.txt:48: <as::item ref="NodeCitOnly" />
sample-file.txt:49: <as::item ref="myNode1Config" />
sample-file.txt:50: <MailTo>Alex@abc.com</MailTo>
sample-file.txt:51: <as::item ref="myNode1Body">
sample-file.txt:52: <as::pairs>
sample-file.txt:53: <as::pair name="MailTo">Bob@abc.com</as::pair>
sample-file.txt:54: <as::pair name="Function">#FUNCTION#</as::pair>
sample-file.txt:55: <as::pair name="Interval">#THRESHOLD_1#</as::pair>
sample-file.txt:56: <as::pair name="Switch">#THRESHOLD_2#</as::pair>
sample-file.txt:57: </as::pairs>
sample-file.txt:58: </as::item>
sample-file.txt:59: </Tag>
Matched 1 blocks(33.33%) with 3 lines(2.24%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 3 blocks. Used 0.010093 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:06.633796 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB
= 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory =
/cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*<Tag' -Q '^\s*</Tag' -t 'Node[13]' --nx node3 -ai -x Node -o myNode
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*<Tag" -Q "^\s*</TagNotExist>" -a ## Should no blocks and output.
Matched 0 blocks with 0 lines in 1 files, read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 0 blocks and 1 incomplete blocks. Used 0.000938 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:07.105846 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 0 B =
0 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cyg
drive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*<Tag' -Q '^\s*</TagNotExist>' -a
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -ib "^\s*enum" -q "\};" -S -t "([\r\n]+)\s+" -o "$1 " ## Single line regex matching
sample-file.txt:12: enum class LineType { NotMatchedLine = 0, MatchedLine = 1, UpLine = 2, DownLine = 3
Matched 5 lines(41.67%) in 1 files(100%), read 12 lines 346 B in 1 files. Used 0.002766 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:07.542718 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , Max
OpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Comman
d = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -ib '^\s*enum' -q '\};' -S -t '([\r\n]+)\s+' -o ' '
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -ib "^\s*enum" -q "\};" -t "^\s+" -o " " -a -P
enum class LineType {
NotMatchedLine = 0,
MatchedLine = 1,
UpLine = 2,
DownLine = 3
Matched 4 lines(33.33%) in 1 files(100%), read 12 lines 346 B in 1 files. Used 0.003812 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:07.998170 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , Max
OpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Comman
d = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -ib '^\s*enum' -q '\};' -t '^\s+' -o ' ' -a -P
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -i -t "(Deferred\w*)"
sample-file.txt:14: class DeferredRun {
sample-file.txt:16: DeferredRun(const std::function<void()>& run) : _run(run) { }
sample-file.txt:17: ~DeferredRun() {
sample-file.txt:28: DeferredRun deferredRun([&]() {
Matched 4 lines(2.99%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files. Used 0.004508 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:08.452311 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , M
axOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Comm
and = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -i -t '(Deferred\w*)'
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -it "(Deferred\w*)\s+\1"
sample-file.txt:28: DeferredRun deferredRun([&]() {
Matched 1 lines(0.75%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files. Used 0.001985 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:08.929958 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , M
axOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Comm
and = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -it '(Deferred\w*)\s+\1'
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -i -b "class DeferredRun" -Q "^};" -t "(Deferred\w*)" -o "$1Replaced"
sample-file.txt:14: class Replaced {
sample-file.txt:16: Replaced(const std::function<void()>& run) : _run(run) { }
sample-file.txt:17: ~Replaced() {
Matched 1 blocks(100%) with 3 lines(2.24%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 1 blocks. Used 0.003647 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:09.464835 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB =
2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /c
ygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -i -b 'class DeferredRun' -Q '^};' -t '(Deferred\w*)' -o Replaced
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -it "class|run" -H 9
example-commands.bat:1: ::Just run windows-test.bat which calls this file, or run this file directly, you will get a vivid sense of msr.
example-commands.bat:41: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -i -b "class DeferredRun" -Q "^};" -t "(Deferred\w*)" -o "$1Replaced"
example-commands.bat:42: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -it "class|run" -H 9
example-commands.bat:43: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -ie "class|run" -H 9
Matched 4 lines(1.88%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.005079 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:09.959849 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth = 0
, MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/too
ls ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -it 'class|run' -H 9
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -ie "class|run" -H 9
example-commands.bat:1: ::Just run windows-test.bat which calls this file, or run this file directly, you will get a vivid sense of msr.
example-commands.bat:2: msr -c -z "c:\Program Files\LLVM\bin\clang.exe" -x \ -o \\
example-commands.bat:3: msr -c -z "c:\Program Files\LLVM\bin\clang.exe" -t \\ -o \\
example-commands.bat:4: msr -c -z "c:\Program Files\LLVM\bin\clang.exe" -t "\\\\" -o \\
example-commands.bat:5: msr -c -z www.lz.text/temp.normal/samples/my.normal/my-stream.xml -x normal/ -t "(www.*)/([^/]+\.xml)\s*"
example-commands.bat:6: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -S -t "^(.+\S+)\s*$" -H 0 # Check return value, output nothing
example-commands.bat:7: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -S -t "^(.+\S+)$" -H 0 # Check return value, output nothing
example-commands.bat:8: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -S -t "^(.+\S+)\n$" -H 0 # Check return value, output nothing
example-commands.bat:9: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -S -t "^(.+\S+)\s*$" -o "$1" -R # Remove tail new line
Matched 213 lines(100%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.007597 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:10.443625 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth =
0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/to
ols ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -ie 'class|run' -H 9
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -it "^msr\s+(-c\s+)?" -L 3 -o "msr -c " -H 9
example-commands.bat:3: msr -c -z "c:\Program Files\LLVM\bin\clang.exe" -t \\ -o \\
example-commands.bat:4: msr -c -z "c:\Program Files\LLVM\bin\clang.exe" -t "\\\\" -o \\
example-commands.bat:5: msr -c -z www.lz.text/temp.normal/samples/my.normal/my-stream.xml -x normal/ -t "(www.*)/([^/]+\.xml)\s*"
example-commands.bat:6: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -S -t "^(.+\S+)\s*$" -H 0 # Check return value, output nothing
example-commands.bat:7: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -S -t "^(.+\S+)$" -H 0 # Check return value, output nothing
example-commands.bat:8: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -S -t "^(.+\S+)\n$" -H 0 # Check return value, output nothing
example-commands.bat:9: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -S -t "^(.+\S+)\s*$" -o "$1" -R # Remove tail new line
example-commands.bat:10: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -S -t "^(.+\S+)\s*$" -o "$1\n" -R # Add a new line to tail
example-commands.bat:11: msr -c -p %~dp0 -f bat -l -PAC -H 0
Matched 172 lines(80.75%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.008459 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:10.845541 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth
= 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/
tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -it '^msr\s+(-c\s+)?' -L 3 -o 'msr -c ' -H 9
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -x bat -o BAT -L 3 -H 5 -T 5 ## Plain text replacing to BAT , begin-row-3, and show top 5 and bottom 5 lines
example-commands.bat:11: msr -c -p %~dp0 -f BAT -l -PAC -H 0
example-commands.bat:12: msr -c -p %~dp0 -f BAT -l -PIC -H 0
example-commands.bat:13: msr -c -p %~dp0 -l -f BAT -H -2 # Should skip top 2 items.
example-commands.bat:14: msr -c -p %~dp0 -l -f BAT -T -2 # Should skip bottom 2 items.
example-commands.bat:15: msr -c -p %~dp0 -l -f BAT -H -2 --sz # Should skip top 2 items.
example-commands.bat:75: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.BAT -ix update -t name -e Names
example-commands.bat:86: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.BAT -x " -B" -t ".*?(\d+\S+ \d+[\d:]+).*"
example-commands.bat:90: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.BAT -it "\w+" -H 0 ## Must NOT out any matched.
example-commands.bat:91: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.BAT -it "\w+" -T 0 ## Must NOT out any matched.
example-commands.bat:92: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.BAT -it just -U 3 -D 3
Matched 44 lines(20.66%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.010019 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:11.256743 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth =
0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/t
ools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -x bat -o BAT -L 3 -H 5 -T 5
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -t bat -o BAT -L 3 -H 5 ## Plain text replacing to BAT , begin-row-3, show top 5 lines
example-commands.bat:11: msr -c -p %~dp0 -f BAT -l -PAC -H 0
example-commands.bat:12: msr -c -p %~dp0 -f BAT -l -PIC -H 0
example-commands.bat:13: msr -c -p %~dp0 -l -f BAT -H -2 # Should skip top 2 items.
example-commands.bat:14: msr -c -p %~dp0 -l -f BAT -T -2 # Should skip bottom 2 items.
example-commands.bat:15: msr -c -p %~dp0 -l -f BAT -H -2 --sz # Should skip top 2 items.
Matched 44 lines(20.66%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.005589 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:11.688759 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth =
0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/t
ools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -t bat -o BAT -L 3 -H 5
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -t com -x bat -o BAT T -H 5 ## Use both Regex and plain text , replacing from
example-commands.bat:35: msr -c -r -p %~dp0 -f "^(example-commands|sample-file)\.(txt|BAT)$" -l --sz --wt -T 3
example-commands.bat:36: msr -c -r -p %~dp0 -f "^(example-commands|sample-file)\.(txt|BAT)$" -l --wt --sz -H 3 --dsc --s1 1KB --s2 1MB --w1 "2015-07-20 13:20"
example-commands.bat:42: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.BAT -it "class|run" -H 9
example-commands.bat:43: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.BAT -ie "class|run" -H 9
example-commands.bat:44: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.BAT -it "^msr\s+(-c\s+)?" -L 3 -o "msr -c " -H 9
Matched 36 lines(16.90%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.005979 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:12.236110 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth =
0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/t
ools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -t com -x bat -o BAT T -H 5
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -t t -L 9 -e txt -H 9 ## single char matching and coloring test
example-commands.bat:9: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -S -t "^(.+\S+)\s*$" -o "$1" -R # Remove tail new line
example-commands.bat:10: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -S -t "^(.+\S+)\s*$" -o "$1\n" -R # Add a new line to tail
example-commands.bat:11: msr -c -p %~dp0 -f bat -l -PAC -H 0
example-commands.bat:12: msr -c -p %~dp0 -f bat -l -PIC -H 0
example-commands.bat:13: msr -c -p %~dp0 -l -f bat -H -2 # Should skip top 2 items.
example-commands.bat:14: msr -c -p %~dp0 -l -f bat -T -2 # Should skip bottom 2 items.
example-commands.bat:15: msr -c -p %~dp0 -l -f bat -H -2 --sz # Should skip top 2 items.
example-commands.bat:16: msr -c -p %~dp0 -l -f bat -T -2 --wt # Should skip bottom 2 items.
example-commands.bat:17: msr -c -p %~dp0 -l -f bat -H 2 --wt # Should show top 2 items.
Matched 185 lines(86.85%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.013016 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:12.771223 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth
= 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/
tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -t t -L 9 -e txt -H 9
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -x t -L 9 -e txt -H 9
example-commands.bat:9: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -S -t "^(.+\S+)\s*$" -o "$1" -R # Remove tail new line
example-commands.bat:10: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -S -t "^(.+\S+)\s*$" -o "$1\n" -R # Add a new line to tail
example-commands.bat:11: msr -c -p %~dp0 -f bat -l -PAC -H 0
example-commands.bat:12: msr -c -p %~dp0 -f bat -l -PIC -H 0
example-commands.bat:13: msr -c -p %~dp0 -l -f bat -H -2 # Should skip top 2 items.
example-commands.bat:14: msr -c -p %~dp0 -l -f bat -T -2 # Should skip bottom 2 items.
example-commands.bat:15: msr -c -p %~dp0 -l -f bat -H -2 --sz # Should skip top 2 items.
example-commands.bat:16: msr -c -p %~dp0 -l -f bat -T -2 --wt # Should skip bottom 2 items.
example-commands.bat:17: msr -c -p %~dp0 -l -f bat -H 2 --wt # Should show top 2 items.
Matched 185 lines(86.85%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.011811 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:13.339288 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth
= 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/
tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -x t -L 9 -e txt -H 9
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -t t -L 9 -e me.txt -H 9 ## Coloring Regex-matched/Plain-found/Regex-enhance text meanwhile
example-commands.bat:9: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -S -t "^(.+\S+)\s*$" -o "$1" -R # Remove tail new line
example-commands.bat:10: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -S -t "^(.+\S+)\s*$" -o "$1\n" -R # Add a new line to tail
example-commands.bat:11: msr -c -p %~dp0 -f bat -l -PAC -H 0
example-commands.bat:12: msr -c -p %~dp0 -f bat -l -PIC -H 0
example-commands.bat:13: msr -c -p %~dp0 -l -f bat -H -2 # Should skip top 2 items.
example-commands.bat:14: msr -c -p %~dp0 -l -f bat -T -2 # Should skip bottom 2 items.
example-commands.bat:15: msr -c -p %~dp0 -l -f bat -H -2 --sz # Should skip top 2 items.
example-commands.bat:16: msr -c -p %~dp0 -l -f bat -T -2 --wt # Should skip bottom 2 items.
example-commands.bat:17: msr -c -p %~dp0 -l -f bat -H 2 --wt # Should show top 2 items.
Matched 185 lines(86.85%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.011551 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:13.846311 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth
= 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/
tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -t t -L 9 -e me.txt -H 9
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -x t -L 9 -e me.txt -H 9
example-commands.bat:9: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -S -t "^(.+\S+)\s*$" -o "$1" -R # Remove tail new line
example-commands.bat:10: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -S -t "^(.+\S+)\s*$" -o "$1\n" -R # Add a new line to tail
example-commands.bat:11: msr -c -p %~dp0 -f bat -l -PAC -H 0
example-commands.bat:12: msr -c -p %~dp0 -f bat -l -PIC -H 0
example-commands.bat:13: msr -c -p %~dp0 -l -f bat -H -2 # Should skip top 2 items.
example-commands.bat:14: msr -c -p %~dp0 -l -f bat -T -2 # Should skip bottom 2 items.
example-commands.bat:15: msr -c -p %~dp0 -l -f bat -H -2 --sz # Should skip top 2 items.
example-commands.bat:16: msr -c -p %~dp0 -l -f bat -T -2 --wt # Should skip bottom 2 items.
example-commands.bat:17: msr -c -p %~dp0 -l -f bat -H 2 --wt # Should show top 2 items.
Matched 185 lines(86.85%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.013086 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:14.382419 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth
= 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/
tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -x t -L 9 -e me.txt -H 9
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -x me -L 20 -H 9
example-commands.bat:50: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t t -L 9 -e me.txt -H 9 ## Coloring Regex-matched/Plain-found/Regex-enhance text meanwhile
example-commands.bat:51: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x t -L 9 -e me.txt -H 9
example-commands.bat:52: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x me -L 20 -H 9
example-commands.bat:53: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x me -L 20 -ie me -H 9
example-commands.bat:54: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t me -L 20 -ie me -H 9
example-commands.bat:55: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x me -o you -ie "you|txt|ping" -L 30 -H 9
example-commands.bat:56: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t me -o you -ie "you|txt|ping" -L 30 -H 9
example-commands.bat:57: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t me -ie "me|ping|\w+.txt" -L 30 -H 9
example-commands.bat:58: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x me -ie "me|ping|\w+.txt" -L 30 -H 9
Matched 33 lines(15.49%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.009439 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:14.888016 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth =
0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/t
ools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -x me -L 20 -H 9
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -x me -L 20 -ie me -H 9
example-commands.bat:50: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t t -L 9 -e me.txt -H 9 ## Coloring Regex-matched/Plain-found/Regex-enhance text meanwhile
example-commands.bat:51: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x t -L 9 -e me.txt -H 9
example-commands.bat:52: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x me -L 20 -H 9
example-commands.bat:53: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x me -L 20 -ie me -H 9
example-commands.bat:54: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t me -L 20 -ie me -H 9
example-commands.bat:55: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x me -o you -ie "you|txt|ping" -L 30 -H 9
example-commands.bat:56: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t me -o you -ie "you|txt|ping" -L 30 -H 9
example-commands.bat:57: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t me -ie "me|ping|\w+.txt" -L 30 -H 9
example-commands.bat:58: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x me -ie "me|ping|\w+.txt" -L 30 -H 9
Matched 33 lines(15.49%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.009257 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:15.295190 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth =
0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/t
ools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -x me -L 20 -ie me -H 9
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -t me -L 20 -ie me -H 9
example-commands.bat:50: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t t -L 9 -e me.txt -H 9 ## Coloring Regex-matched/Plain-found/Regex-enhance text meanwhile
example-commands.bat:51: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x t -L 9 -e me.txt -H 9
example-commands.bat:52: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x me -L 20 -H 9
example-commands.bat:53: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x me -L 20 -ie me -H 9
example-commands.bat:54: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t me -L 20 -ie me -H 9
example-commands.bat:55: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x me -o you -ie "you|txt|ping" -L 30 -H 9
example-commands.bat:56: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t me -o you -ie "you|txt|ping" -L 30 -H 9
example-commands.bat:57: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t me -ie "me|ping|\w+.txt" -L 30 -H 9
example-commands.bat:58: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x me -ie "me|ping|\w+.txt" -L 30 -H 9
Matched 33 lines(15.49%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.008147 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:15.675692 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth =
0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/t
ools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -t me -L 20 -ie me -H 9
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -x me -o you -ie "you|txt|ping" -L 30 -H 9
example-commands.bat:50: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t t -L 9 -e you.txt -H 9 ## Coloring Regex-matched/Plain-found/Regex-enhance text youanwhile
example-commands.bat:51: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x t -L 9 -e you.txt -H 9
example-commands.bat:52: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x you -L 20 -H 9
example-commands.bat:53: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x you -L 20 -ie you -H 9
example-commands.bat:54: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t you -L 20 -ie you -H 9
example-commands.bat:55: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x you -o you -ie "you|txt|ping" -L 30 -H 9
example-commands.bat:56: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t you -o you -ie "you|txt|ping" -L 30 -H 9
example-commands.bat:57: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t you -ie "you|ping|\w+.txt" -L 30 -H 9
example-commands.bat:58: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x you -ie "you|ping|\w+.txt" -L 30 -H 9
Matched 33 lines(15.49%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.013051 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:16.047235 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth =
0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/t
ools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -x me -o you -ie 'you|txt|ping' -L 30 -H 9
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -t me -o you -ie "you|txt|ping" -L 30 -H 9
example-commands.bat:50: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t t -L 9 -e you.txt -H 9 ## Coloring Regex-matched/Plain-found/Regex-enhance text youanwhile
example-commands.bat:51: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x t -L 9 -e you.txt -H 9
example-commands.bat:52: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x you -L 20 -H 9
example-commands.bat:53: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x you -L 20 -ie you -H 9
example-commands.bat:54: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t you -L 20 -ie you -H 9
example-commands.bat:55: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x you -o you -ie "you|txt|ping" -L 30 -H 9
example-commands.bat:56: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t you -o you -ie "you|txt|ping" -L 30 -H 9
example-commands.bat:57: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t you -ie "you|ping|\w+.txt" -L 30 -H 9
example-commands.bat:58: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x you -ie "you|ping|\w+.txt" -L 30 -H 9
Matched 33 lines(15.49%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.010592 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:16.430534 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth =
0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/t
ools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -t me -o you -ie 'you|txt|ping' -L 30 -H 9
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -t me -ie "me|ping|\w+.txt" -L 30 -H 9
example-commands.bat:50: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t t -L 9 -e me.txt -H 9 ## Coloring Regex-matched/Plain-found/Regex-enhance text meanwhile
example-commands.bat:51: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x t -L 9 -e me.txt -H 9
example-commands.bat:52: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x me -L 20 -H 9
example-commands.bat:53: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x me -L 20 -ie me -H 9
example-commands.bat:54: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t me -L 20 -ie me -H 9
example-commands.bat:55: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x me -o you -ie "you|txt|ping" -L 30 -H 9
example-commands.bat:56: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t me -o you -ie "you|txt|ping" -L 30 -H 9
example-commands.bat:57: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t me -ie "me|ping|\w+.txt" -L 30 -H 9
example-commands.bat:58: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x me -ie "me|ping|\w+.txt" -L 30 -H 9
Matched 33 lines(15.49%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.010095 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:16.787622 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth =
0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/t
ools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -t me -ie 'me|ping|\w+.txt' -L 30 -H 9
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -x me -ie "me|ping|\w+.txt" -L 30 -H 9
example-commands.bat:50: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t t -L 9 -e me.txt -H 9 ## Coloring Regex-matched/Plain-found/Regex-enhance text meanwhile
example-commands.bat:51: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x t -L 9 -e me.txt -H 9
example-commands.bat:52: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x me -L 20 -H 9
example-commands.bat:53: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x me -L 20 -ie me -H 9
example-commands.bat:54: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t me -L 20 -ie me -H 9
example-commands.bat:55: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x me -o you -ie "you|txt|ping" -L 30 -H 9
example-commands.bat:56: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t me -o you -ie "you|txt|ping" -L 30 -H 9
example-commands.bat:57: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t me -ie "me|ping|\w+.txt" -L 30 -H 9
example-commands.bat:58: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x me -ie "me|ping|\w+.txt" -L 30 -H 9
Matched 33 lines(15.49%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.010428 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:17.187862 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth =
0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/t
ools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -x me -ie 'me|ping|\w+.txt' -L 30 -H 9
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -x name -o NAME -ie "name|come" -U 3 -D 3 -L 16 -H 9
example-commands.bat:56: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t me -o you -ie "you|txt|ping" -L 30 -H 9
example-commands.bat:57: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t me -ie "me|ping|\w+.txt" -L 30 -H 9
example-commands.bat:58: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x me -ie "me|ping|\w+.txt" -L 30 -H 9
example-commands.bat:59: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x NAME -o NAME -ie "NAME|come" -U 3 -D 3 -L 16 -H 9
example-commands.bat:60: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t NAME -o NAME -ie NAMEs -H 9
example-commands.bat:61: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t NAME -o NAME -T 1 -C
example-commands.bat:62: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -it NAME -l
example-commands.bat:63: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -it NAME -l
example-commands.bat:64: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t NAME -a -o NAME -ie NAMEs -b "come|NAME\w*" -Q "mailTo|Tag" -T 9
Matched 24 lines(11.27%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.008645 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:17.583474 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth =
0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/t
ools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -x name -o NAME -ie 'name|come' -U 3 -D 3 -L 16 -H 9
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -t name -o NAME -ie Names -H 9
example-commands.bat:59: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x NAME -o NAME -ie "NAME|come" -U 3 -D 3 -L 16 -H 9
example-commands.bat:60: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t NAME -o NAME -ie NAMEs -H 9
example-commands.bat:61: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t NAME -o NAME -T 1 -C
example-commands.bat:62: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -it NAME -l
example-commands.bat:63: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -it NAME -l
example-commands.bat:64: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t NAME -a -o NAME -ie NAMEs -b "come|NAME\w*" -Q "mailTo|Tag" -T 9
example-commands.bat:66: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x NAME -o NAME -ie "NAME|come" -T 3
example-commands.bat:67: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t NAME -o come -ie "NAME|come" -a -L 19 -H 9
example-commands.bat:68: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t NAME -a -o NAM -ie "NAME|come" -L 19 -H 9
Matched 24 lines(11.27%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.009094 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:17.985418 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth =
0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/t
ools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -t name -o NAME -ie Names -H 9
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -t name -o NAME -T 1 -C
example-commands.bat:210: msr -c -p Node1.tmp -PA -e ".All.|4000|8000" ## This is an expanded xml that has replaced NAME value settings.
Matched 19 lines(8.92%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.001570 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:18.428775 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth =
0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/to
ols ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -t name -o NAME -T 1 -C
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -it name -l
1-1 : example-commands.bat
Matched 24 lines(11.27%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.001275 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:18.890537 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth =
0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/t
ools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -it name -l
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -it name -l
1-1 : sample-file.txt
Matched 10 lines(7.46%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files. Used 0.001677 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:19.310327 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 ,
MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Com
mand = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -it name -l
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -t name -a -o NAME -ie Names -b "come|name\w*" -Q "mailTo|Tag" -T 9
example-commands.bat:116: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[" -t key -a
example-commands.bat:117: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[" -t key -a -y
example-commands.bat:118: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[" -a
example-commands.bat:119: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -a -y
example-commands.bat:120: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -a
example-commands.bat:121: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -a -y
example-commands.bat:122: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -b "^\s*<Tag" -Q "^\s*</Tag" --nt Node3 -a
example-commands.bat:207: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -b "<Tag NAME.*?Node1.*?>" -Q "</Tag>" -PA -e "#\S+?#"
example-commands.bat:208: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -b "<Tag NAME.*?Node1.*?>" -Q "</Tag>" -PIC > Node1.tmp
Matched 7 blocks(87.50%) with 22 lines(10.33%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files with 7 blocks and 1 incomplete blocks. Used 0.007449 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:19.723198 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB
, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/
msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -t name -a -o NAME -ie Names -b 'come|name\w*' -Q 'mailTo|Tag' -T 9
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -it NOT -U 2 -e "SRC|DIR" -H 5
example-commands.bat:4: msr -c -z "c:\Program Files\LLVM\bin\clang.exe" -t "\\\\" -o \\
example-commands.bat:5: msr -c -z www.lz.text/temp.normal/samples/my.normal/my-stream.xml -x normal/ -t "(www.*)/([^/]+\.xml)\s*"
example-commands.bat:6: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -S -t "^(.+\S+)\s*$" -H 0 # Check return value, output nothing
example-commands.bat:7: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -S -t "^(.+\S+)$" -H 0 # Check return value, output nothing
example-commands.bat:8: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -S -t "^(.+\S+)\n$" -H 0 # Check return value, output nothing
Matched 14 lines(6.57%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.005349 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:20.237194 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth =
0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/to
ols ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -it NOT -U 2 -e 'SRC|DIR' -H 5
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -x name -o NAME -ie "name|come" -T 3
example-commands.bat:208: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -b "<Tag NAME.*?Node1.*?>" -Q "</Tag>" -PIC > Node1.tmp
example-commands.bat:209: (msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -it "<NAME>(#.+?#)</NAME>\s*<value>(.+?)</value>" -S -o "msr -x \"$1\" -o \"$2\"" -PAC | msr -t "^\s*(msr -x .*)" -o "$1 -p Node1.tmp -R -H 0" -PAC) |msr -XI -c Automatic extract
macro and replace to real values.
example-commands.bat:210: msr -c -p Node1.tmp -PA -e ".All.|4000|8000" ## This is an expanded xml that has replaced NAME value settings.
Matched 24 lines(11.27%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.004431 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:20.725475 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth =
0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/t
ools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -x name -o NAME -ie 'name|come' -T 3
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -t name -o come -ie "name|come" -a -L 19 -H 9
example-commands.bat:19: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -L 7 -N 9 -t Not -U 2 -D 2
example-commands.bat:20: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -it node --nt "node\d+"
example-commands.bat:21: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -it node --nt "node\d+" -o "NODE"
example-commands.bat:22: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -b "^\s*<Tag" -Q "^\s*</Tag" -t "Node[13]" -a -L 20 -N 50 ## Must no blocks
example-commands.bat:23: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -b "^\s*<Tag" -Q "^\s*</Tag" -t "Node[13]" -a -L 20 -N 80 ## Must have only 1 block
example-commands.bat:24: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -b "^\s*<Tag" -Q "^\s*</Tag" -t "Node[13]" -a ## Must have and only 2 blocks: Node1 and Node3
example-commands.bat:25: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -b "^\s*<Tag" -Q "^\s*</Tag" -t "Node[1-3]" -x Node2 -a ## Must have only Node2 block
example-commands.bat:26: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -ib "^\s*<tag" -Q "^\s*</tag" --nt "Node[1-3]" -e "Node\d+" ## Must no block to output
example-commands.bat:27: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -b "^\s*<tag" -iQ "^\s*</tag" --nt "Node[1-3]" ## Must no block to output
Matched 24 lines(11.27%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.007043 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:21.240140 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth =
0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/t
ools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -t name -o come -ie 'name|come' -a -L 19 -H 9
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -t name -a -o NAM -ie "name|come" -L 19 -H 9
example-commands.bat:19: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -L 7 -N 9 -t Not -U 2 -D 2
example-commands.bat:20: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -it node --nt "node\d+"
example-commands.bat:21: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -it node --nt "node\d+" -o "NODE"
example-commands.bat:22: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -b "^\s*<Tag" -Q "^\s*</Tag" -t "Node[13]" -a -L 20 -N 50 ## Must no blocks
example-commands.bat:23: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -b "^\s*<Tag" -Q "^\s*</Tag" -t "Node[13]" -a -L 20 -N 80 ## Must have only 1 block
example-commands.bat:24: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -b "^\s*<Tag" -Q "^\s*</Tag" -t "Node[13]" -a ## Must have and only 2 blocks: Node1 and Node3
example-commands.bat:25: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -b "^\s*<Tag" -Q "^\s*</Tag" -t "Node[1-3]" -x Node2 -a ## Must have only Node2 block
example-commands.bat:26: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -ib "^\s*<tag" -Q "^\s*</tag" --nt "Node[1-3]" -e "Node\d+" ## Must no block to output
example-commands.bat:27: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -b "^\s*<tag" -iQ "^\s*</tag" --nt "Node[1-3]" ## Must no block to output
Matched 24 lines(11.27%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.008047 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:21.745927 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth =
0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/t
ools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -t name -a -o NAM -ie 'name|come' -L 19 -H 9
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -x name -o NAME -ie "name|come" -t not -U 3 -D 3
example-commands.bat:66: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x name -o NAME -ie "name|come" -T 3
example-commands.bat:67: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t name -o come -ie "name|come" -a -L 19 -H 9
example-commands.bat:68: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -t name -a -o NAM -ie "name|come" -L 19 -H 9
example-commands.bat:69: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -x NAME -o NAME -ie "NAME|come" -t not -U 3 -D 3
example-commands.bat:70: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -ib "<Tag Name.*?\b(Node1|Node2)\b" -Q "<MailAddress>|</Tag>" -e "MailTo" -t body -o BODY -a
example-commands.bat:71: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -ib "<Tag Name.*?\b(Node2)\b" -Q "<MailAddress>|</Tag>" -e MailTo -t body -o BODY -a
example-commands.bat:72: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -ib "<Tag Name.*?\b(\w+)\b" -Q "<MailAddress>|</Tag>" -t Node1 -e "<.?Tag.*?>" -a
Matched 1 lines(0.47%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.009823 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:22.202172 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth = 0
, MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/too
ls ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -x name -o NAME -ie 'name|come' -t not -U 3 -D 3
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -ib "<Tag Name.*?\b(Node1|Node2)\b" -Q "<MailAddress>|</Tag>" -e "MailTo" -t body -o BODY -a
sample-file.txt:47: <Tag Name="Node1">
sample-file.txt:48: <as::item ref="NodeCitOnly" />
sample-file.txt:49: <as::item ref="Node1Config" />
sample-file.txt:50: <MailTo>Alex@abc.com</MailTo>
sample-file.txt:51: <as::item ref="Node1BODY">
sample-file.txt:52: <as::pairs>
sample-file.txt:53: <as::pair name="MailTo">Bob@abc.com</as::pair>
sample-file.txt:54: <as::pair name="Function">#FUNCTION#</as::pair>
sample-file.txt:55: <as::pair name="Interval">#THRESHOLD_1#</as::pair>
sample-file.txt:56: <as::pair name="Switch">#THRESHOLD_2#</as::pair>
sample-file.txt:57: </as::pairs>
sample-file.txt:58: </as::item>
sample-file.txt:59: </Tag>
sample-file.txt:61: <Tag Name="Node2">
sample-file.txt:62: <as::item ref="NodeCitOnly" />
sample-file.txt:63: <as::item ref="Node2Config" />
sample-file.txt:65: <MailTo>Bob@abc.com</MailTo>
sample-file.txt:66: <SubArgs />
sample-file.txt:67: <Subject>Node 2 title in BODY for test</Subject>
sample-file.txt:68: <Hosts>
sample-file.txt:69: <HBrgetHost>HB</HBrgetHost>
sample-file.txt:70: <Type>BBB</Type>
sample-file.txt:71: </Hosts>
sample-file.txt:72: </Tag>
Matched 2 blocks(100%) with 2 lines(1.49%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 2 blocks. Used 0.018578 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:22.731450 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB =
2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /c
ygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -ib '<Tag Name.*?\b(Node1|Node2)\b' -Q '<MailAddress>|</Tag>' -e MailTo -t body -o BODY -a
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -ib "<Tag Name.*?\b(Node2)\b" -Q "<MailAddress>|</Tag>" -e MailTo -t body -o BODY -a
sample-file.txt:61: <Tag Name="Node2">
sample-file.txt:62: <as::item ref="NodeCitOnly" />
sample-file.txt:63: <as::item ref="Node2Config" />
sample-file.txt:65: <MailTo>Bob@abc.com</MailTo>
sample-file.txt:66: <SubArgs />
sample-file.txt:67: <Subject>Node 2 title in BODY for test</Subject>
sample-file.txt:68: <Hosts>
sample-file.txt:69: <HBrgetHost>HB</HBrgetHost>
sample-file.txt:70: <Type>BBB</Type>
sample-file.txt:71: </Hosts>
sample-file.txt:72: </Tag>
Matched 1 blocks(100%) with 1 lines(0.75%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 1 blocks. Used 0.023241 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:23.208896 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB =
2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /c
ygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -ib '<Tag Name.*?\b(Node2)\b' -Q '<MailAddress>|</Tag>' -e MailTo -t body -o BODY -a
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -ib "<Tag Name.*?\b(\w+)\b" -Q "<MailAddress>|</Tag>" -t Node1 -e "<.?Tag.*?>" -a
sample-file.txt:47: <Tag Name="Node1">
sample-file.txt:48: <as::item ref="NodeCitOnly" />
sample-file.txt:49: <as::item ref="Node1Config" />
sample-file.txt:50: <MailTo>Alex@abc.com</MailTo>
sample-file.txt:51: <as::item ref="Node1Body">
sample-file.txt:52: <as::pairs>
sample-file.txt:53: <as::pair name="MailTo">Bob@abc.com</as::pair>
sample-file.txt:54: <as::pair name="Function">#FUNCTION#</as::pair>
sample-file.txt:55: <as::pair name="Interval">#THRESHOLD_1#</as::pair>
sample-file.txt:56: <as::pair name="Switch">#THRESHOLD_2#</as::pair>
sample-file.txt:57: </as::pairs>
sample-file.txt:58: </as::item>
sample-file.txt:59: </Tag>
Matched 1 blocks(33.33%) with 3 lines(2.24%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 3 blocks. Used 0.009996 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:23.661268 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB
= 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory =
/cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -ib '<Tag Name.*?\b(\w+)\b' -Q '<MailAddress>|</Tag>' -t Node1 -e '<.?Tag.*?>' -a
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -it name -o NAME -e Names -x update
example-commands.bat:73: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -it NAME -o NAME -e NAMEs -x update
example-commands.bat:75: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -ix update -t NAME -e NAMEs
Matched 2 lines(0.94%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.004644 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:24.164266 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth = 0
, MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/too
ls ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -it name -o NAME -e Names -x update
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -it name -e Names -x nameX
example-commands.bat:74: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -it name -e Names -x nameX
Matched 1 lines(0.47%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.001919 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:24.589925 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth = 0
, MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/too
ls ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -it name -e Names -x nameX
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -ix update -t name -e Names
example-commands.bat:73: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -it name -o NAME -e Names -x update
example-commands.bat:75: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -ix update -t name -e Names
Matched 2 lines(0.94%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.003051 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:25.027070 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth = 0
, MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/too
ls ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -ix update -t name -e Names
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -ib "<Tag name" -q "Switch" -Q "</Tag" -t MailTo -e Switch
sample-file.txt:50: <MailTo>Alex@abc.com</MailTo>
sample-file.txt:53: <as::pair name="MailTo">Bob@abc.com</as::pair>
Matched 1 blocks(100%) with 2 lines(3.57%) in 1 files(100%), read 56 lines 1.33 KB in 1 files with 1 blocks. Used 0.002730 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:25.435288 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2
764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cy
gdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -ib '<Tag name' -q Switch -Q '</Tag' -t MailTo -e Switch
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -ib "<Tag name" -q "Switch" -Q "</Tag" -t MailTo -e Switch -a
sample-file.txt:47: <Tag Name="Node1">
sample-file.txt:48: <as::item ref="NodeCitOnly" />
sample-file.txt:49: <as::item ref="Node1Config" />
sample-file.txt:50: <MailTo>Alex@abc.com</MailTo>
sample-file.txt:51: <as::item ref="Node1Body">
sample-file.txt:52: <as::pairs>
sample-file.txt:53: <as::pair name="MailTo">Bob@abc.com</as::pair>
sample-file.txt:54: <as::pair name="Function">#FUNCTION#</as::pair>
sample-file.txt:55: <as::pair name="Interval">#THRESHOLD_1#</as::pair>
sample-file.txt:56: <as::pair name="Switch">#THRESHOLD_2#</as::pair>
Matched 1 blocks(100%) with 2 lines(3.57%) in 1 files(100%), read 56 lines 1.33 KB in 1 files with 1 blocks. Used 0.007166 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:25.786990 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2
764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cy
gdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -ib '<Tag name' -q Switch -Q '</Tag' -t MailTo -e Switch -a
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -it "<name>(#.+?)</name>\s*<value>(.+?)</value>" -S -o "msr -x \"$1\" -o \"$2\"" -L 14 -e "-x (\S+)|-o (\S+)|msr " -q "block"
sample-file.txt:89: class DeferredRun {
DeferredRun(const std::function<void()>& run) : _run(run) { }
~DeferredRun() {
const std::function<void()> _run;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
auto hFile = OpenHandle(argv[1]);
DeferredRun deferredRun([&]() {
msr -x "" -o ""
msr -x "" -o ""
msr -x "" -o ""
<Tag Name="Node1">
<as::item ref="NodeCitOnly" />
<as::item ref="Node1Config" />
<as::item ref="Node1Body">
<as::pair name="MailTo">Bob@abc.com</as::pair>
<as::pair name="Function">#FUNCTION#</as::pair>
<as::pair name="Interval">#THRESHOLD_1#</as::pair>
<as::pair name="Switch">#THRESHOLD_2#</as::pair>
<Tag Name="Node2">
<as::item ref="NodeCitOnly" />
<as::item ref="Node2Config" />
<SubArgs />
<Subject>Node 2 title in body for test</Subject>
<Tag Name="Node3">
<as::item ref="NodeCitOnly" />
<as::item ref="Node3Config" />
<Subject>Node3 title in body for test</Subject>
--- arbitrary block to match replace ----------
Matched 75 lines(84.27%) in 1 files(100%), read 89 lines 2.02 KB in 1 files. Used 0.027243 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:26.140655 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 ,
MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Com
mand = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -it '<name>(#.+?)</name>\s*<value>(.+?)</value>' -S -o 'msr -x "" -o ""' -L 14 -e '-x (\S+)|-o (\S+)|msr ' -q block
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -it Tag -x ref -U 5 -D 5
Matched 0 lines in 0 files, read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files. Used 0.000979 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:26.497242 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 0 files = 0 B = 0 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 ,
MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/op
engit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -it Tag -x ref -U 5 -D 5
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -t "^(\d+-\d+-\d+)" -F "^(\d+-\d+-\d+ [\d:]+(\.\d+)?)" -B "2012-12-27 00:03"
sample-file.txt:3: 2012-12-27 00:03:03.333 third line time at 3
sample-file.txt:4: 2012-12-27 00:04:04.444 forth line time at 4
sample-file.txt:5: 2012-12-27 00:05:05.555 fifth line time at 5
Matched 3 lines(2.24%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files. Sorted. Used 0.004014 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:26.889536 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth
= 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tool
s ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -t '^(\d+-\d+-\d+)' -F '^(\d+-\d+-\d+ [\d:]+(\.\d+)?)' -B '2012-12-27 00:03'
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -t "^(\d+-\d+-\d+)" -F "^(\d+-\d+-\d+ [\d:]+(\.\d+)?)" -E "2012-12-27 00:03"
sample-file.txt:2: 2012-12-27 00:01:01.111 second line time at 1
sample-file.txt:1: 2012-12-27 00:02:02.222 first line time at 2
Matched 2 lines(66.67%) in 1 files(100%), read 3 lines 141 B in 1 files. Sorted. Used 0.002452 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:27.277112 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth =
0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ;
Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -t '^(\d+-\d+-\d+)' -F '^(\d+-\d+-\d+ [\d:]+(\.\d+)?)' -E '2012-12-27 00:03'
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -t "^(\d+-\d+-\d+)" -F "^(\d+-\d+-\d+ [\d:]+(\.\d+)?)" -q "2012-12-27 00:03"
sample-file.txt:2: 2012-12-27 00:01:01.111 second line time at 1
sample-file.txt:1: 2012-12-27 00:02:02.222 first line time at 2
sample-file.txt:3: 2012-12-27 00:03:03.333 third line time at 3
Matched 3 lines(100%) in 1 files(100%), read 3 lines 141 B in 1 files. Sorted. Used 0.004478 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:27.638080 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0
, MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; C
ommand = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -t '^(\d+-\d+-\d+)' -F '^(\d+-\d+-\d+ [\d:]+(\.\d+)?)' -q '2012-12-27 00:03'
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -t "^(\d+-\d+-\d+)" -F "^(\d+-\d+-\d+ [\d:]+(\.\d+)?)" -q "2012-12-27|03"
sample-file.txt:1: 2012-12-27 00:02:02.222 first line time at 2
Matched 1 lines(100%) in 1 files(100%), read 1 lines 47 B in 1 files. Sorted. Used 0.002057 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:27.993515 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 ,
MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Co
mmand = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -t '^(\d+-\d+-\d+)' -F '^(\d+-\d+-\d+ [\d:]+(\.\d+)?)' -q '2012-12-27|03'
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -t "^(\d+-\d+-\d+)" -F "^(\d+-\d+-\d+ [\d:]+(\.\d+)?)" -B "2012-12-27 00:00" -E "2012-12-27 00:03"
sample-file.txt:2: 2012-12-27 00:01:01.111 second line time at 1
sample-file.txt:1: 2012-12-27 00:02:02.222 first line time at 2
Matched 2 lines(66.67%) in 1 files(100%), read 3 lines 141 B in 1 files. Sorted. Used 0.002758 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:28.353371 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth =
0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ;
Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -t '^(\d+-\d+-\d+)' -F '^(\d+-\d+-\d+ [\d:]+(\.\d+)?)' -B '2012-12-27 00:00' -E '2012-12-27 00:03'
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -F "^(\d+-\d+-\d+ [\d:]+(\.\d+)?)" -B "2012-12-27 00:00" -E "2012-12-27 00:03" -it first
sample-file.txt:1: 2012-12-27 00:02:02.222 first line time at 2
Matched 1 lines(33.33%) in 1 files(100%), read 3 lines 141 B in 1 files. Sorted. Used 0.001615 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:28.734306 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth =
0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ;
Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -F '^(\d+-\d+-\d+ [\d:]+(\.\d+)?)' -B '2012-12-27 00:00' -E '2012-12-27 00:03' -it first
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -x " -B" -t ".*?(\d+\S+ \d+[\d:]+).*"
example-commands.bat:80: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -t "^(\d+-\d+-\d+)" -F "^(\d+-\d+-\d+ [\d:]+(\.\d+)?)" -B "2012-12-27 00:03"
example-commands.bat:84: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -t "^(\d+-\d+-\d+)" -F "^(\d+-\d+-\d+ [\d:]+(\.\d+)?)" -B "2012-12-27 00:00" -E "2012-12-27 00:03"
example-commands.bat:85: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -F "^(\d+-\d+-\d+ [\d:]+(\.\d+)?)" -B "2012-12-27 00:00" -E "2012-12-27 00:03" -it first
Matched 3 lines(1.41%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.004220 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:29.094545 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth = 0
, MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/too
ls ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -x ' -B' -t '.*?(\d+\S+ \d+[\d:]+).*'
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -s "^(\d+-\d+-\d+ [\d:]+(\.\d+)?)" -it 2012
sample-file.txt:2: 2012-12-27 00:01:01.111 second line time at 1
sample-file.txt:1: 2012-12-27 00:02:02.222 first line time at 2
sample-file.txt:3: 2012-12-27 00:03:03.333 third line time at 3
sample-file.txt:4: 2012-12-27 00:04:04.444 forth line time at 4
sample-file.txt:5: 2012-12-27 00:05:05.555 fifth line time at 5
Matched 5 lines(3.73%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files. Sorted. Used 0.006165 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:29.463255 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth
= 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tool
s ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -s '^(\d+-\d+-\d+ [\d:]+(\.\d+)?)' -it 2012
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -t "^((((((\d+\D\d+\D\d+[\D\s]*\d+:\d+:\d+))))))(\S*)" -s "^\d+\D\d+\D\d+[\D\s]*\d+:\d+:\d+" -e "\d+|(\w+)\s+line"
sample-file.txt:2: 2012-12-27 00:01:01.111 second line time at 1
sample-file.txt:1: 2012-12-27 00:02:02.222 first line time at 2
sample-file.txt:3: 2012-12-27 00:03:03.333 third line time at 3
sample-file.txt:4: 2012-12-27 00:04:04.444 forth line time at 4
sample-file.txt:5: 2012-12-27 00:05:05.555 fifth line time at 5
Matched 5 lines(3.73%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files. Sorted. Used 0.008407 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:29.873884 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth
= 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tool
s ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -t '^((((((\d+\D\d+\D\d+[\D\s]*\d+:\d+:\d+))))))(\S*)' -s '^\d+\D\d+\D\d+[\D\s]*\d+:\d+:\d+' -e '\d+|(\w+)\s+line'
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -t "^((((((\d+\D\d+\D\d+[\D\s]*\d+:\d+:\d+))))))(\S*)" -s "^\d+\D\d+\D\d+[\D\s]*\d+:\d+:\d+" -e "\d+|(\w+)\s+line" --dsc
sample-file.txt:5: 2012-12-27 00:05:05.555 fifth line time at 5
sample-file.txt:4: 2012-12-27 00:04:04.444 forth line time at 4
sample-file.txt:3: 2012-12-27 00:03:03.333 third line time at 3
sample-file.txt:1: 2012-12-27 00:02:02.222 first line time at 2
sample-file.txt:2: 2012-12-27 00:01:01.111 second line time at 1
Matched 5 lines(3.73%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files. Sorted. Used 0.009293 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:30.357054 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth
= 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tool
s ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -t '^((((((\d+\D\d+\D\d+[\D\s]*\d+:\d+:\d+))))))(\S*)' -s '^\d+\D\d+\D\d+[\D\s]*\d+:\d+:\d+' -e '\d+|(\w+)\s+line' --dsc
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -it "\w+" -H 0 ## Must NOT out any matched.
Matched 195 lines(91.55%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.000979 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:30.819264 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth
= 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/
tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -it '\w+' -H 0
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -it "\w+" -T 0 ## Must NOT out any matched.
Matched 195 lines(91.55%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.000849 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:31.224069 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth
= 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/
tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -it '\w+' -T 0
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -it just -U 3 -D 3
example-commands.bat:1: ::Just run windows-test.bat which calls this file, or run this file directly, you will get a vivid sense of msr.
example-commands.bat:2: msr -c -z "c:\Program Files\LLVM\bin\clang.exe" -x \ -o \\
example-commands.bat:3: msr -c -z "c:\Program Files\LLVM\bin\clang.exe" -t \\ -o \\
example-commands.bat:4: msr -c -z "c:\Program Files\LLVM\bin\clang.exe" -t "\\\\" -o \\
example-commands.bat:89: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -t "^((((((\d+\D\d+\D\d+[\D\s]*\d+:\d+:\d+))))))(\S*)" -s "^\d+\D\d+\D\d+[\D\s]*\d+:\d+:\d+" -e "\d+|(\w+)\s+line" --dsc
example-commands.bat:90: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -it "\w+" -H 0 ## Must NOT out any matched.
example-commands.bat:91: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -it "\w+" -T 0 ## Must NOT out any matched.
example-commands.bat:92: msr -c -p %~dp0\example-commands.bat -it just -U 3 -D 3
example-commands.bat:93: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -it "\W(function)\W" -e "name=(\S+)"
example-commands.bat:94: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -N 92
example-commands.bat:95: msr -c -p %~dp0\sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -N 93
Matched 2 lines(0.94%) in 1 files(100%), read 213 lines 16.58 KB in 1 files. Used 0.008396 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:31.604025 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 16.58 KB, matched 1 files = 16.58 KB = 16977 bytes. Searched depth = 0
, MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/example-commands.bat . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/too
ls ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./example-commands.bat -it just -U 3 -D 3
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -it "\W(function)\W" -e "name=(\S+)"
sample-file.txt:16: DeferredRun(const std::function<void()>& run) : _run(run) { }
sample-file.txt:21: const std::function<void()> _run;
sample-file.txt:34: <Name>#FUNCTION#</Name>
sample-file.txt:54: <as::pair name="Function">#FUNCTION#</as::pair>
Matched 4 lines(2.99%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files. Used 0.006760 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:32.008672 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , M
axOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Comm
and = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -it '\W(function)\W' -e 'name=(\S+)'
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -N 92
Matched 0 blocks with 0 lines in 1 files, read 92 lines 2.05 KB in 1 files with 0 blocks and 1 incomplete blocks. Used 0.000958 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:32.467514 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 0 B =
0 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygd
rive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -N 92
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -N 93
sample-file.txt:90: [section1]
sample-file.txt:91: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:92: key2=value2
Matched 1 blocks(100%) with 4 lines(4.30%) in 1 files(100%), read 93 lines 2.06 KB in 1 files with 1 blocks. Used 0.004234 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:32.966583 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2
764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cy
gdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -N 93
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -N 96
sample-file.txt:90: [section1]
sample-file.txt:91: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:92: key2=value2
Matched 1 blocks(50.00%) with 4 lines(4.17%) in 1 files(100%), read 96 lines 2.09 KB in 1 files with 1 blocks and 1 incomplete blocks. Used 0.003079 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:33.419550 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, mat
ched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/ms
r.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -N 96
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -N 97
sample-file.txt:90: [section1]
sample-file.txt:91: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:92: key2=value2
sample-file.txt:94: [section2]
sample-file.txt:95: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:96: key=value
Matched 2 blocks(100%) with 8 lines(8.25%) in 1 files(100%), read 97 lines 2.09 KB in 1 files with 2 blocks. Used 0.007424 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:33.800688 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2
764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cy
gdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -N 97
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -N 100 -L 90
sample-file.txt:90: [section1]
sample-file.txt:91: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:92: key2=value2
sample-file.txt:94: [section2]
sample-file.txt:95: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:96: key=value
sample-file.txt:98: [section3]
sample-file.txt:99: key=value
Matched 3 blocks(100%) with 11 lines(11.00%) in 1 files(100%), read 100 lines 2.12 KB in 1 files with 3 blocks. Used 0.007511 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:34.227248 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB
= 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory =
/cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -N 100 -L 90
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -N 100 -L 91
sample-file.txt:94: [section2]
sample-file.txt:95: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:96: key=value
sample-file.txt:98: [section3]
sample-file.txt:99: key=value
Matched 2 blocks(100%) with 7 lines(7.00%) in 1 files(100%), read 100 lines 2.12 KB in 1 files with 2 blocks. Used 0.005391 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:34.664161 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB =
2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /c
ygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -N 100 -L 91
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -L 90 -N 99 -it key2 -a
sample-file.txt:90: [section1]
sample-file.txt:91: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:92: key2=value2
Matched 1 blocks(33.33%) with 1 lines(1.01%) in 1 files(100%), read 99 lines 2.12 KB in 1 files with 2 blocks and 1 incomplete blocks. Used 0.003145 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:35.067263 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, mat
ched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/ms
r.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -L 90 -N 99 -it key2 -a
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -L 90 -N 100 -it key2 -a
sample-file.txt:90: [section1]
sample-file.txt:91: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:92: key2=value2
Matched 1 blocks(33.33%) with 1 lines(1.00%) in 1 files(100%), read 100 lines 2.12 KB in 1 files with 3 blocks. Used 0.003599 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:35.492585 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB
= 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory =
/cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -L 90 -N 100 -it key2 -a
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -L 90 -N 100 -it key2 -a -o KEY
sample-file.txt:90: [section1]
sample-file.txt:91: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:92: KEY=value2
Matched 1 blocks(33.33%) with 1 lines(1.00%) in 1 files(100%), read 100 lines 2.12 KB in 1 files with 3 blocks. Used 0.004468 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:35.888875 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB
= 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory =
/cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -L 90 -N 100 -it key2 -a -o KEY
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -N 100
sample-file.txt:90: [section1]
sample-file.txt:91: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:92: key2=value2
sample-file.txt:94: [section2]
sample-file.txt:95: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:96: key=value
sample-file.txt:98: [section3]
sample-file.txt:99: key=value
Matched 3 blocks(100%) with 11 lines(11.00%) in 1 files(100%), read 100 lines 2.12 KB in 1 files with 3 blocks. Used 0.008091 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:36.414206 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB
= 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory =
/cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -N 100
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -N 101
sample-file.txt:90: [section1]
sample-file.txt:91: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:92: key2=value2
sample-file.txt:94: [section2]
sample-file.txt:95: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:96: key=value
sample-file.txt:98: [section3]
sample-file.txt:99: key=value
Matched 3 blocks(100%) with 11 lines(10.89%) in 1 files(100%), read 101 lines 2.13 KB in 1 files with 3 blocks. Used 0.006828 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:36.846992 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB
= 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory =
/cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -N 101
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -N 102
sample-file.txt:90: [section1]
sample-file.txt:91: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:92: key2=value2
sample-file.txt:94: [section2]
sample-file.txt:95: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:96: key=value
sample-file.txt:98: [section3]
sample-file.txt:99: key=value
sample-file.txt:101: [section4]
Matched 4 blocks(100%) with 13 lines(12.75%) in 1 files(100%), read 102 lines 2.13 KB in 1 files with 4 blocks. Used 0.008810 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:37.218185 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB
= 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory =
/cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -N 102
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -L 103 -N 110
sample-file.txt:103: [section5]
sample-file.txt:104: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:105: key2=value2
sample-file.txt:106: [section6]
Matched 1 blocks(50.00%) with 4 lines(3.64%) in 1 files(100%), read 110 lines 2.23 KB in 1 files with 1 blocks and 1 incomplete blocks. Used 0.002902 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:37.573496 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, ma
tched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/m
sr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -L 103 -N 110
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -L 103 -N 111
sample-file.txt:103: [section5]
sample-file.txt:104: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:105: key2=value2
sample-file.txt:106: [section6]
sample-file.txt:109: [section7]
sample-file.txt:110: key=value
sample-file.txt:111: [section8]
Matched 2 blocks(100%) with 7 lines(6.31%) in 1 files(100%), read 111 lines 2.24 KB in 1 files with 2 blocks. Used 0.005832 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:37.925416 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB =
2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /c
ygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -L 103 -N 111
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -L 109
sample-file.txt:109: [section7]
sample-file.txt:110: key=value
sample-file.txt:111: [section8]
sample-file.txt:112: [section9]
Matched 2 blocks(100%) with 5 lines(3.73%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 2 blocks. Used 0.004859 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:38.279227 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB =
2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /c
ygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -L 109
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -L 109 -N 111
sample-file.txt:109: [section7]
sample-file.txt:110: key=value
sample-file.txt:111: [section8]
Matched 1 blocks(100%) with 3 lines(2.70%) in 1 files(100%), read 111 lines 2.24 KB in 1 files with 1 blocks. Used 0.002928 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:38.827467 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB =
2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /c
ygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -L 109 -N 111
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -L 109 -N 112
sample-file.txt:109: [section7]
sample-file.txt:110: key=value
sample-file.txt:111: [section8]
Matched 1 blocks(100%) with 3 lines(2.68%) in 1 files(100%), read 112 lines 2.25 KB in 1 files with 1 blocks. Used 0.003014 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:39.351651 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB =
2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /c
ygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -L 109 -N 112
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -L 109 -N 113
sample-file.txt:109: [section7]
sample-file.txt:110: key=value
sample-file.txt:111: [section8]
sample-file.txt:112: [section9]
Matched 2 blocks(100%) with 5 lines(4.42%) in 1 files(100%), read 113 lines 2.25 KB in 1 files with 2 blocks. Used 0.003668 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:39.755170 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB =
2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /c
ygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -L 109 -N 113
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -L 111 -y
sample-file.txt:111: [section8]
sample-file.txt:112: [section9]
Matched 2 blocks(100%) with 3 lines(2.24%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 2 blocks. Used 0.003448 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:40.238870 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB =
2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /c
ygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -L 111 -y
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -L 111
sample-file.txt:111: [section8]
sample-file.txt:112: [section9]
Matched 1 blocks(100%) with 2 lines(1.49%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 1 blocks. Used 0.001919 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:40.720351 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB =
2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /c
ygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -L 111
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[" -L 111
sample-file.txt:111: [section8]
sample-file.txt:112: [section9]
Matched 1 blocks(100%) with 2 lines(1.49%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 1 blocks. Used 0.002352 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:41.077889 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB =
2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /c
ygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[' -L 111
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[" -t key
sample-file.txt:91: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:92: key2=value2
sample-file.txt:99: key=value
sample-file.txt:104: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:105: key2=value2
sample-file.txt:110: key=value
Matched 4 blocks(80.00%) with 6 lines(4.48%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 4 blocks and 1 incomplete blocks. Used 0.005482 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:41.432998 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, ma
tched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/m
sr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[' -t key
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[" -t key -a
sample-file.txt:90: [section1]
sample-file.txt:91: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:92: key2=value2
sample-file.txt:94: [section2]
sample-file.txt:98: [section3]
sample-file.txt:99: key=value
sample-file.txt:101: [section4]
sample-file.txt:103: [section5]
sample-file.txt:104: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:105: key2=value2
sample-file.txt:106: [section6]
sample-file.txt:109: [section7]
sample-file.txt:110: key=value
sample-file.txt:111: [section8]
Matched 4 blocks(80.00%) with 6 lines(4.48%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 4 blocks and 1 incomplete blocks. Used 0.012194 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:41.793396 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, ma
tched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/m
sr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[' -t key -a
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[" -t key -a -y
sample-file.txt:90: [section1]
sample-file.txt:91: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:92: key2=value2
sample-file.txt:94: [section2]
sample-file.txt:95: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:96: key=value
sample-file.txt:98: [section3]
sample-file.txt:99: key=value
sample-file.txt:103: [section5]
sample-file.txt:104: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:105: key2=value2
sample-file.txt:106: [section6]
sample-file.txt:107: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:108: key2=value2
sample-file.txt:109: [section7]
sample-file.txt:110: key=value
Matched 6 blocks(66.67%) with 10 lines(7.46%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 8 blocks and 1 incomplete blocks. Used 0.014414 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:42.156005 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, m
atched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/
msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[' -t key -a -y
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[" -a
sample-file.txt:90: [section1]
sample-file.txt:91: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:92: key2=value2
sample-file.txt:94: [section2]
sample-file.txt:98: [section3]
sample-file.txt:99: key=value
sample-file.txt:101: [section4]
sample-file.txt:103: [section5]
sample-file.txt:104: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:105: key2=value2
sample-file.txt:106: [section6]
sample-file.txt:109: [section7]
sample-file.txt:110: key=value
sample-file.txt:111: [section8]
Matched 4 blocks(80.00%) with 16 lines(11.94%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 4 blocks and 1 incomplete blocks. Used 0.011527 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:42.513263 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB,
matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools
/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[' -a
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -a -y
sample-file.txt:90: [section1]
sample-file.txt:91: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:92: key2=value2
sample-file.txt:94: [section2]
sample-file.txt:95: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:96: key=value
sample-file.txt:98: [section3]
sample-file.txt:99: key=value
sample-file.txt:101: [section4]
sample-file.txt:103: [section5]
sample-file.txt:104: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:105: key2=value2
sample-file.txt:106: [section6]
sample-file.txt:107: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:108: key2=value2
sample-file.txt:109: [section7]
sample-file.txt:110: key=value
sample-file.txt:111: [section8]
sample-file.txt:112: [section9]
Matched 9 blocks(100%) with 24 lines(17.91%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 9 blocks. Used 0.017694 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:42.882083 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB
= 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory =
/cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -a -y
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -a
sample-file.txt:90: [section1]
sample-file.txt:91: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:92: key2=value2
sample-file.txt:94: [section2]
sample-file.txt:95: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:96: key=value
sample-file.txt:98: [section3]
sample-file.txt:99: key=value
sample-file.txt:101: [section4]
sample-file.txt:103: [section5]
sample-file.txt:104: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:105: key2=value2
sample-file.txt:106: [section6]
sample-file.txt:109: [section7]
sample-file.txt:110: key=value
sample-file.txt:111: [section8]
sample-file.txt:112: [section9]
Matched 7 blocks(100%) with 22 lines(16.42%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 7 blocks. Used 0.014135 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:43.238518 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB
= 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory =
/cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -a
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -a -y
sample-file.txt:90: [section1]
sample-file.txt:91: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:92: key2=value2
sample-file.txt:94: [section2]
sample-file.txt:95: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:96: key=value
sample-file.txt:98: [section3]
sample-file.txt:99: key=value
sample-file.txt:101: [section4]
sample-file.txt:103: [section5]
sample-file.txt:104: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:105: key2=value2
sample-file.txt:106: [section6]
sample-file.txt:107: key1=value1
sample-file.txt:108: key2=value2
sample-file.txt:109: [section7]
sample-file.txt:110: key=value
sample-file.txt:111: [section8]
sample-file.txt:112: [section9]
Matched 9 blocks(100%) with 24 lines(17.91%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 9 blocks. Used 0.017849 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:43.613073 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB
= 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory =
/cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -a -y
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*<Tag" -Q "^\s*</Tag" --nt Node3 -a
sample-file.txt:47: <Tag Name="Node1">
sample-file.txt:48: <as::item ref="NodeCitOnly" />
sample-file.txt:49: <as::item ref="Node1Config" />
sample-file.txt:50: <MailTo>Alex@abc.com</MailTo>
sample-file.txt:51: <as::item ref="Node1Body">
sample-file.txt:52: <as::pairs>
sample-file.txt:53: <as::pair name="MailTo">Bob@abc.com</as::pair>
sample-file.txt:54: <as::pair name="Function">#FUNCTION#</as::pair>
sample-file.txt:55: <as::pair name="Interval">#THRESHOLD_1#</as::pair>
sample-file.txt:56: <as::pair name="Switch">#THRESHOLD_2#</as::pair>
sample-file.txt:57: </as::pairs>
sample-file.txt:58: </as::item>
sample-file.txt:59: </Tag>
sample-file.txt:61: <Tag Name="Node2">
sample-file.txt:62: <as::item ref="NodeCitOnly" />
sample-file.txt:63: <as::item ref="Node2Config" />
sample-file.txt:65: <MailTo>Bob@abc.com</MailTo>
sample-file.txt:66: <SubArgs />
sample-file.txt:67: <Subject>Node 2 title in body for test</Subject>
sample-file.txt:68: <Hosts>
sample-file.txt:69: <HBrgetHost>HB</HBrgetHost>
sample-file.txt:70: <Type>BBB</Type>
sample-file.txt:71: </Hosts>
sample-file.txt:72: </Tag>
Matched 2 blocks(66.67%) with 25 lines(18.66%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 3 blocks. Used 0.017720 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:43.979032 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 K
B = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory
= /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*<Tag' -Q '^\s*</Tag' --nt Node3 -a
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*<Tag" -Q "^\s*</Tag" -t title -o TITLE --nt Node3 -a
sample-file.txt:61: <Tag Name="Node2">
sample-file.txt:62: <as::item ref="NodeCitOnly" />
sample-file.txt:63: <as::item ref="Node2Config" />
sample-file.txt:65: <MailTo>Bob@abc.com</MailTo>
sample-file.txt:66: <SubArgs />
sample-file.txt:67: <Subject>Node 2 TITLE in body for test</Subject>
sample-file.txt:68: <Hosts>
sample-file.txt:69: <HBrgetHost>HB</HBrgetHost>
sample-file.txt:70: <Type>BBB</Type>
sample-file.txt:71: </Hosts>
sample-file.txt:72: </Tag>
Matched 1 blocks(33.33%) with 1 lines(0.75%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 3 blocks. Used 0.009988 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:44.333897 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB
= 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory =
/cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*<Tag' -Q '^\s*</Tag' -t title -o TITLE --nt Node3 -a
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*<Tag" -Q "^\s*</Tag" -t title -o TITLE --nt Node3
sample-file.txt:67: <Subject>Node 2 TITLE in body for test</Subject>
Matched 1 blocks(33.33%) with 1 lines(0.75%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 3 blocks. Used 0.001423 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:44.697898 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB
= 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory =
/cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*<Tag' -Q '^\s*</Tag' -t title -o TITLE --nt Node3
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*<Tag" -Q "^\s*</Tag" -t title -o TITLE --nt Node3 -y
sample-file.txt:67: <Subject>Node 2 TITLE in body for test</Subject>
Matched 1 blocks(33.33%) with 1 lines(0.75%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 3 blocks. Used 0.001515 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:45.049568 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB
= 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory =
/cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*<Tag' -Q '^\s*</Tag' -t title -o TITLE --nt Node3 -y
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*<Tag" -Q "^\s*</Tag" -t title -o TITLE --nt Node3 -y -a
sample-file.txt:61: <Tag Name="Node2">
sample-file.txt:62: <as::item ref="NodeCitOnly" />
sample-file.txt:63: <as::item ref="Node2Config" />
sample-file.txt:65: <MailTo>Bob@abc.com</MailTo>
sample-file.txt:66: <SubArgs />
sample-file.txt:67: <Subject>Node 2 TITLE in body for test</Subject>
sample-file.txt:68: <Hosts>
sample-file.txt:69: <HBrgetHost>HB</HBrgetHost>
sample-file.txt:70: <Type>BBB</Type>
sample-file.txt:71: </Hosts>
sample-file.txt:72: </Tag>
Matched 1 blocks(33.33%) with 1 lines(0.75%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 3 blocks. Used 0.008923 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:45.408452 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB
= 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory =
/cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*<Tag' -Q '^\s*</Tag' -t title -o TITLE --nt Node3 -y -a
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -S -L 90 -N 100 -it "\s*\[section1.*?value2\s*" -o ""
sample-file.txt:100: [section2]
Matched 10 lines(10.00%) in 1 files(100%), read 100 lines 2.12 KB in 1 files. Used 0.003874 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:45.757948 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 ,
MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Co
mmand = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -S -L 90 -N 100 -it '\s*\[section1.*?value2\s*' -o ''
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -S -it "\s*\[section1.*?value2" -o ""
sample-file.txt:134: 2012-12-27 00:02:02.222 first line time at 2
2012-12-27 00:01:01.111 second line time at 1
2012-12-27 00:03:03.333 third line time at 3
2012-12-27 00:04:04.444 forth line time at 4
2012-12-27 00:05:05.555 fifth line time at 5
enum class LineType {
NotMatchedLine = 0,
MatchedLine = 1,
UpLine = 2,
DownLine = 3
class DeferredRun {
DeferredRun(const std::function<void()>& run) : _run(run) { }
~DeferredRun() {
const std::function<void()> _run;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
auto hFile = OpenHandle(argv[1]);
DeferredRun deferredRun([&]() {
<Tag Name="Node1">
<as::item ref="NodeCitOnly" />
<as::item ref="Node1Config" />
<as::item ref="Node1Body">
<as::pair name="MailTo">Bob@abc.com</as::pair>
<as::pair name="Function">#FUNCTION#</as::pair>
<as::pair name="Interval">#THRESHOLD_1#</as::pair>
<as::pair name="Switch">#THRESHOLD_2#</as::pair>
<Tag Name="Node2">
<as::item ref="NodeCitOnly" />
<as::item ref="Node2Config" />
<SubArgs />
<Subject>Node 2 title in body for test</Subject>
<Tag Name="Node3">
<as::item ref="NodeCitOnly" />
<as::item ref="Node3Config" />
<Subject>Node3 title in body for test</Subject>
--- arbitrary block to match replace ----------
section 1 line 1
section 1 line 2
second section line 1
second section line 2
section 3 line 1
section 3 line 2
section 4 line 1
section 5 line 1
line 6.1
section 6 line 1
line 9.1
Matched 133 lines(99.25%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files. Used 0.049274 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:46.144041 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0
, MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; C
ommand = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -S -it '\s*\[section1.*?value2' -o ''
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -S -it "\s*\[section1.*?(value2)" -o '$1' -L 88 -N 101
--- arbitrary block to match replace ----------value2
Matched 13 lines(12.87%) in 1 files(100%), read 101 lines 2.13 KB in 1 files. Used 0.005364 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:46.527066 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 ,
MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Co
mmand = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -S -it '\s*\[section1.*?(value2)' -o '$1' -L 88 -N 101
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -S -it "\[section1.*?(value2)" -o '$1' -L 88 -N 101
--- arbitrary block to match replace ----------
Matched 13 lines(12.87%) in 1 files(100%), read 101 lines 2.13 KB in 1 files. Used 0.006423 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:46.874288 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 ,
MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Co
mmand = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -S -it '\[section1.*?(value2)' -o '$1' -L 88 -N 101
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -S -it "\[section1.*?(value2)" -o '$1' -b "arbitrary block" -N 101
sample-file.txt:101: --- arbitrary block to match replace ----------
Matched 12 lines(11.88%) in 1 files(100%), read 101 lines 2.13 KB in 1 files. Used 0.004793 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:47.232797 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 ,
MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Co
mmand = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -S -it '\[section1.*?(value2)' -o '$1' -b 'arbitrary block' -N 101
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -S -it "^\s*\[section1.*" -o ""
Matched 1 blocks(14.29%) with 4 lines(2.99%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 7 blocks. Used 0.001600 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:47.588853 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB
= 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory =
/cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -S -it '^\s*\[section1.*' -o ''
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -S -it "^\s*\[section1.*?value2" -o "value2"
sample-file.txt:90: value2
Matched 1 blocks(14.29%) with 4 lines(2.99%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 7 blocks. Used 0.001835 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:47.940143 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB
= 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory =
/cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -S -it '^\s*\[section1.*?value2' -o value2
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -S -it "\s*\[section1.*?value2" -o "value2"
sample-file.txt:90: value2
Matched 1 blocks(14.29%) with 4 lines(2.99%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 7 blocks. Used 0.002243 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:48.296204 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB
= 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory =
/cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -S -it '\s*\[section1.*?value2' -o value2
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -S -it "^\s*\[section.*" -o ""
Matched 7 blocks(100%) with 22 lines(16.42%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 7 blocks. Used 0.006135 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:48.649366 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB
= 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory =
/cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -S -it '^\s*\[section.*' -o ''
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -S -it "^\s*\[section.*" -y
sample-file.txt:90: [section1]
sample-file.txt:94: [section2]
sample-file.txt:98: [section3]
sample-file.txt:101: [section4]
sample-file.txt:103: [section5]
sample-file.txt:106: [section6]
sample-file.txt:109: [section7]
sample-file.txt:111: [section8]
sample-file.txt:112: [section9]
Matched 9 blocks(100%) with 24 lines(17.91%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 9 blocks. Used 0.014486 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:49.026665 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB
= 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory =
/cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -S -it '^\s*\[section.*' -y
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -x section1 -S -it "^\s*\[section.*" -o ""
Matched 1 blocks(14.29%) with 4 lines(2.99%) in 1 files(100%), read 134 lines 2.70 KB in 1 files with 7 blocks. Used 0.001416 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:49.413657 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB
= 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory =
/cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -x section1 -S -it '^\s*\[section.*' -o ''
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -L 90 -N 93 -S -it "\[section1.*?(value2)" -o '$1'
sample-file.txt:90: value2
Matched 1 blocks(100%) with 4 lines(4.30%) in 1 files(100%), read 93 lines 2.06 KB in 1 files with 1 blocks. Used 0.001492 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:49.774807 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2
764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cy
gdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -L 90 -N 93 -S -it '\[section1.*?(value2)' -o '$1'
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -L 90 -N 93 -S -it "\[section1.*?(value2)\s*" -o '$1'
sample-file.txt:90: value2
Matched 1 blocks(100%) with 4 lines(4.30%) in 1 files(100%), read 93 lines 2.06 KB in 1 files with 1 blocks. Used 0.001264 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:50.151308 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2
764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cy
gdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -L 90 -N 93 -S -it '\[section1.*?(value2)\s*' -o '$1'
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b "^\s*\[" -Q "^\s*\[|^\s*$" -L 90 -N 100 -S -it "\[section1.*?(value2)" -o '$1'
sample-file.txt:90: value2
Matched 1 blocks(33.33%) with 4 lines(4.00%) in 1 files(100%), read 100 lines 2.12 KB in 1 files with 3 blocks. Used 0.001620 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:50.508489 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB
= 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory =
/cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Command = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -b '^\s*\[' -Q '^\s*\[|^\s*$' -L 90 -N 100 -S -it '\[section1.*?(value2)' -o '$1'
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -L 90 -N 93 -S -it "\[section1.*?(value2)" -o '$1'
sample-file.txt:93: value2
Matched 3 lines(3.23%) in 1 files(100%), read 93 lines 2.06 KB in 1 files. Used 0.002094 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:50.856257 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 , Ma
xOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Comma
nd = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -L 90 -N 93 -S -it '\[section1.*?(value2)' -o '$1'
/cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -L 90 -N 100 -S -it "\[section1.*?(value2)" -o '$1'
sample-file.txt:100: value2
Matched 10 lines(10.00%) in 1 files(100%), read 100 lines 2.12 KB in 1 files. Used 0.003860 s, from 2019-11-26 21:18:51.211819 +0800 CST. Checked 1 files, opened 1 files 2.70 KB, matched 1 files = 2.70 KB = 2764 bytes. Searched depth = 0 ,
MaxOpenedDepth = 0 , MaxMatchedDepth = 0 , MinOpenedDepth = 0 , MinMatchedDepth = 0 . Source = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools/sample-file.txt . EXE = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin ; Directory = /cygdrive/D/opengit/msr/tools ; Co
mmand = /cygdrive/d/opengit/msr/tools/msr.cygwin -c -p ./sample-file.txt -L 90 -N 100 -S -it '\[section1.*?(value2)' -o '$1'